Accept rules
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Confirm email
Our review
Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No illegal content
No false or misleading content
No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism
No NSFW profile pictures/banners
No NSFW Usernames/Display Names
Sexually explicit images or video must be NSFW tagged and must have a content warning (with short non-explicit description)
Posting obscene or graphic imagery involving children, especially of sexual nature. Posts that contain, or could be reasonably thought to contain real children engaged in sexual activities will be reported to Child Protective Services and/or an appropriate law enforcement agency.
This instance is made for individuals older than 18yo. Your account may be suspended if you're under 18.
Brand accounts are not allowed. This instance is for individuals only
Do not register your account via Tor/VPN/Hosting provider. You may not be accepted
English Only. If you sign up with the reason not in English then your application will be denied
This instance is under the jurisdiction of Western Australia. All posts on this instance must abide by the WA Laws and the Australian Laws